You can find tons of products for men suffering with premature ejaculation on the market, but only Pelay uses a unique combination of several active substances, and its water-based, lubricated formula is engineered for fast absorption of these substances through the penis skin to control men's ejaculation time.
Unlike the other desensitizing sprays and gels out here, Pelay does not use Lidocaine. Instead, it uses a combination of several active ingredients that not only help men last longer, but also control the time of the orgasm with the same level of arousal and pleasure when having sex.
Sex is not just about lasting as long as possible - it is about the moment. With Pelay, you will enjoy it.
There are products for PE that a man needs to use 3-4 hours before sexual intercourse. There are also some topical sprays that require 10-15 minutes to absorb. Pelay goes beyond - with the use of our Pelay Applier, you need just 4 minutes and you are ready to go.
Control the time of your climax - the reduced sensitivity typically for lasts up to 45 minutes, which is enough time to pleasure your partner too.
Men suffer from PE in their 30's but also in their 60's. It's a problem that affects men at any stage of life. Pelay is safe, dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic. There were NO negative side effects found in tests, and it is also safe for daily use.
It's the new lifestyle product for men who want to be a sex rockstar anytime and anywhere!